Friday 22 February 2008

Tehran Day 4

The second-last day here now and I have being enjoying the indoor pool (the outdoor pool is part of a building site and is frozen solid anyhow) and the hotel facilities today while also working on completing the the new book 'Rebel in a Business Suit - A Handbook for R-Evolutionaries' which has an April deadline. (read some on-line here).

The great thing about working with other speakers is that we are an enthusiastic and creative lot - who often work alone - so the chance to meet up with other speakers and share some insights and energy has been great this week.

I have a great chance to chat with the other guys and we are looking at some joint-venture projects now. Speakers and trainers are in the information business and like the Web it benefits not from competition but from sharing and synergy.

The plans for Rebel Island is to use this as a foundation for greater sharing between information specialists and using the benefits of the social networks and the virtual Rebel Island on Second Life as a means of reaching wider and more diverse audiences and creating a evolutionary synergy in business, sales and leadership that could truly be radical.

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