People are often confused by my differentiating between a 'trusted' executive or advisor and 'high trust' executive or advisor - why the difference they ask?
For me the difference is simple enough.
You probably have relationships with people that you trust, right? But you probably do not share everything about you or all that's happening in your life or business at any given time with them. Consciously and unconsciously we tend to set limits on our levels of trust with different people. We are selective about what we do or do not share with people based on our perceived level of trust with them.
However in a 'high trust' realtionship we have no hesitation or mental reservation whatsoever about sharing stuff with that person. We almost feel compelled to share our challenges and reality with them. We see them as people who genuinely care about us, who are genuinely interested in our well-being, safety and prosperity. They are someone that we will gladly collaborate with to find solutions.
Thus a high trust executive or advisor connects at a deep level with their colleagues and clients and is seen as an indispensable 'non-equity partner' in their projects and businesses. Not a part of the project or business, not an owner or a seeming benficiary but a fundamental means or resource by which the project or the business can become and remain successful.
This is where we can truly be of service to people and - where we provide real service - reward soon follows.
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